Wisconsin Cheese Factories
Through the Ages
Maps & Charts
Map of the locations of cheese factories of Wisconsin in 1896 from "The Cheese Manufacturing Regions of Wisconsin, 1850-1950" of the "Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, Volume XLII"
Map of the cheese regions of Wisconsin in 1900 based on information from "The Cheese Manufacturing Regions of Wisconsin, 1850-1950" of the "Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, Volume XLII." *created by Jenna Wiedmeyer
Map of the locations of cheese factories in 1949 from "The Cheese Manufacturing Regions of Wisconsin, 1850-1950" of the "Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, Volume XLII"
Map of the cheese regions of Wisconsin in 1949 based on information from "The Cheese Manufacturing Regions of Wisconsin, 1850-1950" of the "Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, Volume XLII." *created by Jenna Wiedmeyer
No. of Cheese Factories Per County 1880. *created by Jenna Wiedmeyer
No. of Cheese Factories Per County 1896. *created by Jenna Wiedmeyer
No. of Cheese Factories Per County 1926 *created by Jenna Wiedmeyer
No. of Cheese Factories Per County Currently. *created by Jenna Wiedmeyer
Cheese production in Wisconsin from 1981-2011
The number of cheese factories versus the number of pounds of cheese produced.