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As a lifetime resident of Wisconsin, I was continuously exposed to many forms of culture unique to this state in the greater United States of America. I have lived in four different counties of this state through my years, Winnebago County from 1989 to1996, Kenosha County from 1996 to 2003, Washington County from 2003 to 2008, and Eau Claire County from 2008 to present. There were the normal traditions of walking to the local gas station during hot summer days without my parents, going grocery shopping at Pick-N-Save with my mom on Saturdays, having my car buried under three feet of snow during the colder months, and of course, eating cheese during almost every meal. Cheese. A lot of cheese.

My interest in this staple portion of my diet has stemmed from my younger years of going to the local cheese factory on Friday’s with my siblings and mom to watch the fresh cheese curds being packaged and ready for tasting, at Union Star in Fremont, Wisconsin. The obsession grew with age as it became the snack of choice after long days of school, during football games, and the large smorgasbord of four types on holidays.

I came to the true realization that cheese is practically a religion in Wisconsin when my siblings moved out of state [Michigan and Colorado]. When both would come to visit, they would always beg to have my mother and father buy them ‘the good cheese’ so they didn’t have to eat the inferior cheddar in their home cities. Now when our family visits friends in other states, we do the right Wisconsin thing and bring them cheese from our local cheese market. And they are eternally grateful.

So it was just a matter of time till I devoted my time and talent into compiling information about the history and evolution of the cheese industry in my home state. I hope you enjoy learning about the cheese factories of Wisconsin and begin to gain a better appreciation for this aspect of Wisconsin geography, even if you are not a resident of this state. Enjoy!!​

My Relationship With Wisconsin & Cheese

Jenna Wiedmeyer / GEOG 379 / Fall 2012  / © All Rights Reserved

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